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This exhibition took place at Atelier Galerie 2112 from October 25-27th, 2019 and was organized by the Painting and Drawing Student Association with the intention of gathering together, supporting, and celebrating Concordia’s Painting and Drawing program community. This exhibition gets its name “Le Salon” from the influential “Salon de Paris” exhibitions of the Académie des Beaux-Arts that began in 1667 which exhibited paintings floor-to-ceiling and on every available inch of space. We celebrate this long history with our own Salon. This exhibition is unique as it has not been juried or curated in any way, but simply provides a platform for Concordia Fine Arts students from all years working in Painting and Drawing disciplines to showcase their work and get a taste of gallery showing. ‘Le Salon’ represents the vast aesthetic and conceptual development of the Painting and Drawing department at Concordia, celebrating diversity and expression in 2D forms.

Exhibition dates: October 25-27, 2019

Vernissage: Saturday, October 26, 2019, 6-9:30 pm

Venue: Atelier Galerie 2112


L'association étudiante de Painting & Drawing de Concordia vous invite à leur exposition d'inspiration Salon de Paris et espère à travers celle-ci créer un sentiment de communauté parmi les étudiants qui expérimentent avec les médiums 2D. Bien que l'exposition soit ouverte à tous les étudiants en Beaux-Arts, elle comprend des oeuvres qui reflètent l'esthétique et la portée conceptuelle du département de Painting & Drawing de Concordia.


Dates de l'exposition: 25-27 octobre 2019

Vernissage: Samedi le 26 octobre 2019, 6-9:30 pm

Lieu: Atelier Galerie 2112

Participating Artists:

Artistes Participants:

Gabriel Moreau

Katherine Parthimos

Esther Calixte-Bea

Morgane Bernard

Jennifer Lee

Michaël Emond

Susan Willcocks

Magali Bélair-Boileau

Iryna Merkulova

Crystel Pereira

Meghan O'Kill-Dearden

Carlo Polidoro Lopez

Jackie Stendel

Jim Tran

Julie Leblanc

Clare Grehan

Maude Kneppert

Émile Phaneuf

Marika Madimenos

Nathalie Vallée

Sara Sadawi

Catherine LeBlanc

Julien Parant-Marquis

Nicole Boyce

Amelie Claire Lillethun

Emmanuel Ayo

Catherine Desroches

Elisa Vita

Mireille R. Champagne

Wendy-Alexina Vancol

Abigail Vybihal

Jose Garcia

Celina Fernandez-Branco

Brooke Marrisett

Christine Laliberté

Alexia McKindsey

Tyra Maria Trono

Médéric Corbin

Louis-Benjamin Durocher

Nicolka Gorel

Nancy Bono

Sarah Demers

Morganne Carroll

Samantha Leger

Simone Sinclair

Lucia Palucci

Peniel Hong

Oceana Van Hagen

Sophia DePaoli

Vincent Laporte

Land Acknowledgement:

The PDSA would like to acknowledge that Concordia University is located on unceded Indigenous lands. The Kanien’kehá:ka Nation is recognized as the custodians of the lands and waters on which we gather today. Tiohtiá:ke (Montreal) is historically known as a gathering place for many First Nations. Today, it is home to a diverse population of Indigenous and other peoples. We respect the continued connections with the past, present and future in our ongoing relationships with Indigenous and other peoples within the Montreal community.

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